MRC supports the International Union of Architects (UIA)’s statement of solidarity with Ukraine and the UK Government’s call for British companies to isolate Russia.
Malcolm Reading, Chairman, said:
‘As a company working across the globe for the improvement of the built environment, we are horrified by the senseless aggression and violence inflicted by Russia on Ukraine and fully endorse the statement by José Luis Cortés, President of the international body for all architects, the UIA, expressing solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
‘We have no clients in the Russian Federation, and we rarely receive submissions from Russian architects. Nevertheless, we back the sanctions being imposed by the UK Government and others around the world. Our thoughts are with the heroic Ukrainian resistance and those involved in the humanitarian effort on the ground.
‘In the unlikely event that we receive competition entries from the Russian Federation then we will return these until further notice.
‘MRC has made a financial contribution to the Red Cross for the people of Ukraine.’
The UIA statement said:
‘In the face of the mounting tragic events in Ukraine, the International Union of Architects (UIA) expresses its unwavering solidarity with all those affected and calls for unity and peace among nations. On behalf of the international community of architects, we condemn any act of violence or war affecting the wellbeing and dignity of humans, join the global appeal against war and call for the immediate restoration of peace.
‘The UIA was founded in 1948 to unite architects around the world and actively participate in the reconstruction of devastated cities and villages. We continue to believe that the greatest obligation of humanity is the preservation of peace. As the leading global organisation of architects committed to creating safe and healthy environments, we also call for the protection of the invaluable architectural heritage threatened by this conflict.’
José Luis Cortés, UIA President